The 48 cards and book in the tin, are for people who know that symptom control doesn’t bring mind-in-peace and real quality of life resulting from actual trauma recovery. They may have tried mindfulness, yoga, exercise, deep breathing, psychiatric medication but know they are still stuck with those traumatic memories that continue to blight their life, their mental health, their relationships with self and others. This resource is to support anyone in the pursuit of real change not just emotional regulation in the moment. The cards are therefore also a vital resource for therapeutic practitioners helping people to recover from trauma. The purpose of the cards is to encourage people to stand back and make sense of what’s happened. The cards are expressive, thought-provoking artworks on the most common emotional themes resulting from traumatic life experiences. Using the cards supports the key components of trauma recovery, namely becoming aware of what you are feeling, naming and symbolizing mental states with words and images, telling the story of your trauma, and understanding the meaning you took from it. Many people have told of the huge relief it is to reflect on the traumatic experiences in this way. Many report ‘aha moments’ that have helped them heal. In the box, there is also a very informational little book on how best to use the cards, and on the impact of unprocessed psychological trauma on mental and physical health and how to achieve trauma recovery (all backed by cutting edge evidence–based research). Whilst people can gain real insight into their lives by using their cards on their own, we highly recommend using them in the context of a therapeutic relationship. The shock and the pain of traumatic life experiences is often so intense that the mind will simply not go there without help. In contrast, when you allow yourself to address your trauma in the safety of a therapeutic relationship, it can truly transform a mind-in-torment to a mind-in-peace.