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Webinars - Single Views

These webinars are vital CPD for all TISUK practitioners, schools and organisations.



Full Webinar:

£29 for 1 months access

Running time
1 hr 06 mins


Presenter: Dr Margot Sunderland 

Too many children and teenagers are held hostage to the fall-out from their ‘un-storied emotions’, namely debilitating mental health issues and behaviours that challenge. So, this webinar provides a wealth of tools and techniques to support you to respond therapeutically when a child/teenager tells you a very important story about their life.

The presenter explores how to develop ‘narrative competence’ and how to become ‘talkable to’. She also discusses how to create big empathy drawings as response, to honor and validate the stories told to you and to provide essential opportunity for collaborative sense-making.

The presenter will also talk about research evidence, proving that telling your story to people with narrative competence, can bring transformational change to body and mind. Finally, the webinar explores how to tell therapeutic stories (published or made up by you) in your work. Telling therapeutic stories offers the child/teenager new ways of thinking about their lives and new options when they are stuck in negative patterns.

The presenter will discuss what to do after you’ve told the story in order to support the child/ teenager to respond in a truly creative and reflective way.  In short, this webinar will convince you of the amazing power of using story, image and metaphor to bring recovery and healing.