About the film Struggle (6.50 minutes)
For schools who wish to have multiple downloads available for students and pupils.
For children and teenagers who've known hurt and shock ( advised age group from age 8 to adult) A boy experiences a traumatic event. It changes everything. He can't stop feeling the pain. He desperately wants his life to be how it was before. He decides the best thing to do is to find a world without people as people have hurt him so badly. He remembers a derelict children's home over a little bridge. He plans to go and live there, smash up the bridge, so no-one can hurt him anymore. On his way, he meets a soldier who tells him that the only way to stop the pain is to talk about what happened, to someone he trusts. Ignoring this advice, the boy continues on his way and lives in a peopleless place. But soon he is overwhelmed by a terrible loneliness. The soldier comes back, and the boy tells him the story of his traumatic life event. His story helps other children too, as he is speaking about painful truths from their life stories. He returns to the world of people, living a life no longer haunted by his past.