ACEs impacting on early years, language, communication & play
Over 20 years of experience working with young children and their families
Working in OFSTED Outstanding Nurseries where her particular service was highlighted in the OFSTED report
Family Support worker in various settings, nursery, Hospital based children and families social care team
Extensive training and experience in working to improve attachment in very troubled infants and parent- infant relationships
Working in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals to improve the outcomes for children and families most in need
Holding caseloads of families ensuring they receive the right support from the appropriate agency at the right time
Play and Communication Early Intervention Practitioner (Several Children’s Centres)
Assessing the needs of troubled infants and their families
Providing specific support packages that enable children to develop their communication skills
Supporting parents in attuned regulating interactions with their infants and addressing attachment ruptures
Working in partnership with outside agencies to provide a service to the local community
Co-Director: Parent- Child Relationship Spa (Centre for Child Mental Health London) - supporting parents to interact with their infants through attachment play to optimise relational and emotional health